22 April 2008

My classes and how they don't exist

EDIT: I realized I forgot another 9 days, so I added them to the list and recalculated. It now comes to a nice even 100 days

I have 4 classes, that all meet 4 times per week, for 10 weeks. So in theory, I should have 160 days of lecture.

  • Two of my classes don't meet on Friday even though they're supposed to. Minus 20 days

  • One of my classes has 14 guest lectures. Minus 14 days (trust me, we don't learn anything in them. At all)

  • Another of my classes, apparently feeling left out of the guest lecture thing, did 4 in one week. Minus 4 days

  • One of my classes has 4 days of student lectures, where we read the textbook and teach each other. Seriously. Minus 4 days, and a piece of my soul

  • One of my classes has 9 days of student presentations on the projects and research we've done over the quarter. Minus 9 days

  • One of my classes has dedicated 5 days in a row for "lab time", and then another 4 for presentations of the work done during said lab time. Minus 9 days

So instead of 160 days, we have 100 days where professors trained to teach us are actually teaching us, or about 62% (this ignores the fact that one of my professors isn't actually a teacher). Therefore, I should probably only need to pay 62% of my tuition for this quarter. I should go talk to financial aid about this.


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Anonymous said...

that hurts... on the inside... hurts!

Michael Mrozek said...

I got a hug from a bot. Yay!