13 March 2008

Weapons of Mass Piracy

The MPAA today weighed in on net neutrality. Think about everything the MPAA has done in the last five years, and then guess how they came out on it. If you guessed "the way nobody likes", good call. From Glickman himself:

Government regulation of the Internet would impede our ability to respond to consumers in innovative ways, and it would impair the ability of broadband providers to address the serious and rampant piracy problems occurring over their networks today.

Ah, there's the magic word. It would not be below the MPAA to blame global warming on the "rampant piracy problems" facing the world. They're almost as bad as Bush with terrorists, which is a depressing analogy really. Terrorists are to Bush as piracy is to the MPAA: Bullshit they use to get away with whatever they want.

This is my second negative blog post today; I need to find more positive sources of news.

1 comment:

Melissa Merrill said...

yeah, I don't really know what to say I guess... but I want to comment anyway :). Pirates are cool. hehe.